联系人:Manager Zhang
地址: Room 536, Building B, Honghui Longjiangli, Qingjiang Village, Gulou District, Nanjing
Vehicle/Container Inspection System JZ700-ZC-301
Crossing vehicle security inspection and automatic temperature measurement and portrait acquisition system for drivers and passengers
Prison vehicle chassis safety inspection scanning imaging system software JZ600-D10-OS-V12-JS
Customs undercarriage imaging anti-hiding system
Anti-hiding system for imaging under vehicle of oil depot
High-end CBD parking lot entrance and exit integrated security inspection system
Military police base entrance and exit prosecution system
Logistics Park Vehicle Security Inspection Management System
Anti-UAV surveillance and control integrated command vehicle JZ600-FW-10
Portable anti-UAV suppression gun JZ600-FW-20
UAV automatic detection and defense system JZ600-FWJ-800
Ultrasonic strong light strobe bird repeller JZ600-CNZ-WH